Success and Happiness

Everyone Can Be Success and Happy

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Tips for Authentic Happiness by Beth Banning and Neill Gibson

Doesn't everyone want to be 100% happy? How about 200% happier? So why aren't you? Below see how this can come true for you.

Have you ever noticed how often people rely on others in their pursuit of happiness? People expect someone else to make them happy? You might hear people say things like: "If only he would be nicer." "Didn't she know that would hurt my feelings?"I would be happy if he would only listen to me more."

When people have this idea in their head they can spend a lot of time figuring out how to fix or change other people.

What's the trouble if you try this strategy? Not only do the other people feel irritated, they often get defensive at your attempt to "FIX" them. And it leaves you powerless. If THEY don't change, YOU can't be happy.

But even more important is that, since what you focus your attention on grows, focusing on what you don't like will cause it to become what you notice most in your life.

Say, for example, when your significant other comes home they often leave a trail with their clothes, bags, books, whatever, strewn throughout the house. It drives you nuts! Every time you look at the residue of stuff they leave behind them, you feel irritated.

This has gone on for so long that now you notice every little piece of debris, everywhere you look, all the time.

And what you focus your attention on grows.

Perhaps you say something like this to them: "Can't you pick up after yourself? You are such a slob."

It's probably not the first time you've talked about the clothes on the floor. And probably not much has changed since that first time. So what happens next?

Your partner probably is irritated at being told not to leave his/her clothes around. You lose hope that things will ever change. And you spend all your time noticing what you don't enjoy about your partner.

Remember, what you focus your attention on grows!

So here it is, the step that will move you closer to being happier than ever before: Develop YOUR ability to focus your attention on what you ENJOY.

Maybe this sounds too simple. But ask yourself: How would I be at the end of the day if I started noticing and remembering everything that I enjoy about my life?"

Remember, what you focus your attention on grows. Focus on what you enjoy - it's the simpliest, most enjoyable way to begin happiness in your life now.

Try this. Pretend that you have an emotional bank account. Every one of your thoughts makes a deposit. This means that if you're constantly depositing painful memories in your emotional bank account, they will grow and grow.

They'll even start multiplying if you're using the law of compound interest. What's this? It's compounding the effect of thoughts like: "What a slob!" with more thoughts like: "She doesn't care about me." or "He's the most selfish person I've ever met."

Now, do you feel happy?

Imagine everyday finding things that you enjoy, and that you have gratitude for.

Your significant other comes into the house and smiles. Is that something to be thankful for? They ask if you would like to go out to dinner. Is that something to be thankful for? You see them put something away, without being asked. Is that something to be thankful for?

Now imagine depositing these memories in your emotional bank account, day after day. And compound them with as many other thankful, grateful thoughts as you can so they grow and grow. "It's lovely when he brings me tea; he's so considerate sometimes." "I'm so glad we like doing things together." "We just have so much in common; she is so much fun to be with"

How do you feel now?

Happy or sad, good or bad, pleasure or pain - authentic happiness is up to you. Focus on what you enjoy. Enjoy being thankful. It's something anyone can do, even you.

What you focus your attention on will grow. You do have an emotional bank account so start saving your happiness up today. With a bank-full of thankful, you'll be a master at the art of "having happiness now."


Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

The Key to a Better Life

Time management is basically about being focused. The Pareto Principle also known as the '80:20 Rule' states that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or unfocused generates only 20% of the desired output. However, 80% of the desired output can be generated using only 20% of a well time managed effort. Although the ratio '80:20' is only arbitrary, it is used to put emphasis on how much is lost or how much can be gained with time management.

Some people view time management as a list of rules that involves scheduling of appointments, goal settings, thorough planning, creating things to do lists and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.

But there is more skills involved in time management than the core basics. Skills such as decision making, inherent abilities such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking are also essential to your personal growth.

Personal time management involves everything you do. No matter how big and no matter how small, everything counts. Each new knowledge you acquire, each new advice you consider, each new skill you develop should be taken into consideration.

Having a balanced life-style should be the key result in having personal time management. This is the main aspect that many practitioners of personal time management fail to grasp.

Time management is about getting results, not about being busy.

The six areas that personal time management seeks to improve in anyone's life are physical, intellectual, social, career, emotional and spiritual.

The physical aspect involves having a healthy body, less stress and fatigue.

The intellectual aspect involves learning and other mental growth activities.

The social aspect involves developing personal or intimate relations and being an active contributor to society.

The career aspect involves school and work.

The emotional aspect involves appropriate feelings and desires and manifesting them.

The spiritual aspect involves a personal quest for meaning.

Thoroughly planning and having a set of things to do list for each of the key areas may not be very practical, but determining which area in your life is not being giving enough attention is part of time management. Each area creates the whole you, if you are ignoring one area then you are ignoring an important part of yourself.

Personal time management should not be so daunting a task. It is a very sensible and reasonable approach in solving problems big or small.

A great way of learning time management and improving your personal life is to follow several basic activities.

One of them is to review your goals whether it be immediate or long-term goals often.

A way to do this is to keep a list that is always accessible to you.

Always determine which task is necessary or not necessary in achieving your goals and which activities are helping you maintain a balanced life style.

Each and everyone of us has a peek time and a time when we slow down, these are our natural cycles. We should be able to tell when to do the difficult tasks when we are the sharpest.

Learning to say "No". You actually see this advice often. Heed it even if it involves saying the word to family or friends.

Pat yourself at the back or just reward yourself in any manner for an effective time management result.

Try and get the cooperation from people around you who are actually benefiting from your efforts of time management.

Don't procrastinate. Attend to necessary things immediately.

Have a positive attitude and set yourself up for success. But be realistic in your approach in achieving your goals.

Have a record or journal of all your activities. This will help you get things in their proper perspective.

These are the few steps you initially take in becoming a well rounded individual.

As the say personal time management is the art and science of building a better life.

From the moment you integrate into your life time management skills, you have opened several options that can provide a broad spectrum of solutions to your personal growth. It also creates more doors for opportunities to knock on.

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Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

The Secret Behind The Secret by Rima Valunaite

By now, just about everyone has seen the video "The Secret" or read the book by the same title or maybe they have done both.

Millions watched the Oprah Winfrey show about "The Secret" and listened to the principals talk about it and the Law of Attraction.

Many have visited the plethora of websites devoted to "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction. It has almost become a worldwide obsession.

I am sure that millions of people have tried to follow the instructions and get the Law of Attraction to fulfill their desires and dreams. And, I am also sure that the vast majority failed to see any difference in their life or current circumstances.

It is not because the Law of Attraction does not work. It does, very well in fact. It has to because it is a Universal Law. Just like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Matter and the Law of Energy, the Law of Attraction is governed by physics. You know, that science class we took but did not understand all that well, the one where we dropped weights down the stairwell and slid blocks of wood across the desk. It was the one where we got an idea about gravity, friction, motion and energy. Do you remember it now? Well, that was physics. It is the science that governs and explains action and reaction, repulsion and attraction.

The Law of Attraction is governed by that science and as one of the Universal Laws, it will work anywhere on earth if the proper actions, beliefs, powers and vibrations are utilized.

So, if that is the case, then why have most people failed when they tried it? It is simple really. "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction, has a secret of its own that even the promoters did not know about.

If you take a look at most of the people involved in "The Secret" you will discover that they are people like Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Dennis Waitley, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield and other similar types. You will notice that they are all people with very strong personalities and passionate drive. To consider them as "ordinary" people is like considering a hurricane as just another gentle breeze.

That having been pointed out, do not despair. It does not mean that "The Secret" or the Law of Attraction will not work for ordinary people. It will. It will work for everyone, even the ones who have tried over and over and have not had it work for them yet.

All of the above-named people did not need to know the secret behind "The Secret" because of the kind of people they are, strong willed, passionate and filled with self confidence and drive.

The average person may wish for a million dollars, but subconsciously they know that they will never have it. As a result, their subconscious mind will not send out the proper vibrations to attract that million dollars to them. Wanting or wishing for something and believing in your whole being that you will get it are two different things.

So, for the average person, the secret behind "The Secret" is that you have to take baby steps. In other words, you have to start out small. Your subconscious mind will never believe that you will get a million dollars if you ask for it, so do not even try. Instead try asking for something simple, say a seat in a crowded subway car or on a crowded bus. Or how about asking to find a parking space on a crowded street or near the doors of a busy mall?

When you buy a lottery ticket, do not ask to win the top prize, ask for ten dollars or 20 dollars or even 50 dollars. Since these amounts are possible and believable, you can convince yourself and your subconscious mind that you deserve it and that it is yours. Give thanks for winning it as if it were already yours. Be passionate and convinced that it is and constantly give thanks for it.

When you see these simple results of the Law of Attraction start working for you, then you can try working on slightly bigger things. Do not go too fast and do not become discouraged. If you check the histories of the aforementioned people, you will find that they did not succeed the first time that they tried. Just think back on everything that you have accomplished in life, such as learning to walk, learning to talk, learning to dress yourself, to ride a bicycle, to read and to write. They all took time, practice, determination and a belief that you could do it before it actually happened. Getting the Law of Attraction to work for you is just the same.

In conclusion, you can get the Law of Attraction to work for you no matter what your current life is like as long as you start small, convince yourself that you already have it and constantly give thanks for having it. When you continue passionately working on it one small step at a time and constantly expressing gratitude for having it, then you will eventually see that the Law of Attraction works for you too.

If you want to learn how to apply the Law of Attraction in your life go to the website below and register for 7 Free Lessons:


Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

Living in the Present Moment: How Good Can You Stand It? by Timothy Aaron Whiston

Living in the present moment is the key to leading an exciting, fulfilling, meaningful life. However the experience of right now is far too intense for many people, so they develop the self-defeating defense response of constantly living in the shadow of past and future fantasies.

The unpleasant truth is we all have the tendency to hide our face from the now. It’s easier for us to dwell on past regrets and future anxieties; these experiences are safe, familiar, and unchallenging.

A popular and revealing question often asked by personal development instructors and spiritual guides is: “How good can you stand it?”

This might sound silly at first, but it’s a critical issue to be addressed along your journey of personal discovery and expansion. Can you simply relax and allow your awareness to accept what is?

Can you sit quietly and embrace the present moment, letting your body relax and your mind enjoy the peace and stillness? Or do you squirm after a few seconds and try to escape the now by fretting over possible future calamity?

It’s important to consider this fact: If you can’t find the joy in simply being in this moment with nothing to worry or complain about, what is your core motivation for being part of this life in the first place?

Ideally your goal in life is to be happy. Most people will claim this is what they want, and then do everything in their personal power to prevent themselves from ever attaining it.

We are hardwired for happiness, but we have been conditioned to reject it. Our most immediate opportunity to exploit the natural inclination to be happy is here and now, yet we have learned to put this off and claim we’ll “be happy when…”

Regardless of external events and circumstances you can find great peace and joy in any moment. As the sages have taught since ancient times, all one must do to know true and infinite peace is clear the mind and allow the undistorted reality of the now to unfold from within.

I believe most people know this at the intuitive level. Still they actively run away from the present moment and work tirelessly to stifle the clarity of now with constant mental chatter and nonstop daydreaming.
You deserve the blissful calm of the present moment. And you don’t need a reason, anyone’s permission, or a special ceremony to step back from the events and obligations in your life and just be happy right now.

Spend two minutes each morning just observing the present moment and allowing yourself to be truly happy. Forget about surface issues like money you owe, what your ego wants other people to think about you, and what time you need to be at your desk to begin the workday.

Even if you feel you are supposed to be stressed, angry, or bummed out, for these two minutes just be. You’ll be surprised by how quickly allegedly “pressing” issues will fall away and dissolve.

Practice letting go of everything and just allowing the still, present moment to flood into your awareness and merge with your consciousness. Really get serious about treating yourself to these two minutes of bliss every morning, and soon you’ll be making room for ten or twenty minutes; before long you’ll be determined to embrace the perfection of the present moment throughout your day, even in the midst of your routine activities.

Be aware of your rational mind as it tries to dissuade you from this pursuit. Catch yourself trying to justify why you’re totally out of line in seeking a moment of peace and joy because, after all. “You have work to do and bills to pay”.

Simply acknowledge these anxieties and then return your awareness to the peace of the moment. With time and diligence you can begin to live more of each day grounded in the now; ultimately you will be completely free from the need to sabotage your sense of well-being.


Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Personal Development & Success - "Creating the Motivation You Need" by Jeffrey Miller

Have you ever heard someone say something like, "I haven't felt motivated lately," or, "I'll do it as soon as I feel motivated enough?" I know that I have and, truth be known, am guilty of using these and similar phrases myself. You see, I, like many others, used to believe that action only happens through motivation. That, I must wait around for the so-called "feeling to move me" before I will get anything accomplished.

Well, I was wrong. And I believe that I was wrong for two reasons. First is that I was unable to see the 'big picture' - the reason that the 'thing' had to be done in the first place and how that 'thing' relates to other things that I wanted to accomplish, do, enjoy, etc.

And secondly because, quite frankly, I just didn't know how I operated. Oh sure, I liked to believe that I was in control of myself, but why then was I not able to motivate myself if I did indeed have so much control?

Motivation is really like creativity, or any other drive or impulse. We can wait around for it to magically appear, which it often does and often at the most inopportune times (remember all the really great ideas you've had while driving down the road without a notebook or tape recorder to capture it? Or how about the times we're motivated to do something cool that our friends or family would really like but everyone else's schedule doesn't fit our 'moment of brilliance.' Remember?

No, the secret with motivation is to realize that it cannot be relied on to create action. It does, but in no predictable, usable way. Without the unpredictable variable such as luck, coincidence and the like, to rely on an emotional impulse such as motivation to drive us forward is like waiting for food to appear in your cupboards without going to the store to buy it.

How then do we create motivation? The answer, ironically, is in the question itself. How do we create . . .?

To create anything, we take action - we have to 'do' something. And actions themselves come in three forms - as thoughts - as speech - and, of course, as physical deeds. It is here that we find the necessary ingredients for 'creating' the motivation we need.

How? Let's take a look at the grocery scenario and ask another question: "What motivates us to go shopping for groceries in the first place?

Most people would answer, "I don't have any food in the house." But, a Ninja looking at the bigger picture would ask another question focused on the "why." Why don't I have groceries in the house? Because I or someone else ate them. Actions preceding the need for motivation is precisly what 'causes' the motivation to occur. Once we understand this little secret, we are then free to use the same formula to do it again and again.

Groceries are one thing, you say but, what about my goals. After all, groceries are a necessity, my goals are just dreams, wants, and wishes.

Here-in lies the answer to my first problem. Remember?

Right. The inability to 'see' (a mental action) how my goal was a necessary part of living the life I wanted to live. Because, once I was able to see how vital it was that I attain my goal - how I could not accomplish other things I wanted to do, I was then endowed with all the motivation I could handle to do what needed to be done.

So, it is true that motivation leads to action, but only, and I mean only, after it is caused into being by a previous action. There must be something in place, a thought or dream, a promise (verbal action), or something that must be handled (like an assailant's attack) that requires action NOW, before motivation will be the compelling drive for us to move.

Can you imagine using the same excuse for not achieving the goal you want when confronted by an attacker? I really don't think that "I'm not motivated to do anything right now," is going to make him or her go away - do you?

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Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

3 Keys To Staying Happy by Jason Osborn

Happiness is something that is great when experienced but can very quickly disappear. If you are like me, I hate to be unhappy. Over the years I have learned some keys to help me stay happy that I thought you might like to know. Here are 3 of those keys.

1. Anchor your happiness in you.

The first place you need to find happiness is in yourself. If you don’t find happiness within you, you are just asking for a rollercoaster of emotions. You see, everything in your life is subject to change. If you find all your happiness in other things, what happens when circumstances change and you no longer find happiness with them?

2. Hold onto the good times.

Unfortunately there are times in your life when you will go through difficult times. You may not believe this but you can still be happy even when times get tuff. Don’t always focus on the problems at hand. Remind yourself of the great things that have happened and know that you will soon have them again.

3. Choose to be happy.

You have a choice whether or not to be happy. You may not have had any control over some of the circumstances in your life, but you have the ability to control how you respond to those circumstances. When it comes down to it, happiness is a choice, so just make a decision to be happy. After all, the other choices you have is to be sad, depressed, angry, upset, and the list can go on. I don’t know about you but choosing to be happy sounds better than the other choices.

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Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

19 Rules to Live By. Follow Them and You Will Succeed by Lana Kravtsova

1.You fail only if you quit. There is a great quote "Failure is not fatal, success is not final, it is the courage to continue that counts." There is another great quote "It is not that I am smarter I just stay with the problem longer." Failure is just a step closer to your dream. As long as you get up and keep moving, you will succeed, there is no way around it.

2.Do something every day to get out of your comfort zone. This is the only way to grow and learn. Fear is your biggest enemy on the way to your dreams. The more you go out of your comfort zone the less you fear. You cannot succeed if you always stay in your comfort zone. Make it a point to do something every day, even if it is something small, to get out of your comfort zone.

3. Know exactly what you want.Make a vision out of it. Write it down.

4.Focus on what you want, ignore what you don't want. What you focus on multiplies and grows in your life.

5.Live in the present moment, take things one day at a time. Especially when times get tough, don't think of the future, don't think of anything else but the present moment. You can get through anything one moment at a time. Know your long term vision and then take each day one at a time.

6.Keep moving, don't stand still.Always strive for taking action. The longer you stand still the harder it is going to be to start moving again. Do whatever it takes to take action toward your dreams. Even if it is something small, small steps add up into massive success over time.

7.Always find something to be grateful for. Think about what you are grateful for every day. If you can't find anything, think about the children starving in Africa, I bet you will find something after that.

8.Take full responsibility for everything you have in your life. Only when you take full responsibility for what you have, do you give yourself power to change your life for the better. You can't change anything while in the victim mode.

9.When something good is over, don't cry, smile and be grateful that it was. You will attract something even better this way.

10.Don't procrastinate because you think you need more preparation time. You will never know it all. Take action and learn on the way.

11.Don't worry about making money, think about bringing value. Money will follow.

12.Find your passions. You can't bring value if you are not passionate about what you do.

13.Commit to continuous learning, you will never know it all.

14.Don't resist things you don't like in your life. What you resist persists. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, focus on what you want.

15.No one is ever misbehaving. Stop trying to control others and get upset if they don't do what you expected them to do. Just assume that no one is ever misbehaving, no one is ever trying to upset you on purpose. Life gets much easier when you assume that.

16.Even when someone does upset you on purpose they most likely do it out of fear. Forgive quickly.

17.Be kind to people. Most importantly be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up for your mistakes. Just say "Next time I'll do it differently". Again it is all about your focus. Focus on what you did wrong and you will do it again. Focus on how you can do it better, and you will do it better.

18.Expect only the best and you will get the best. Believe you deserve a wonderful life. You will never get more than you are open to receive.

19.Don't get comfortable. Be happy and grateful, but never comfortable. As soon as you are comfortable you stop growing. Life is about continuous progress, be happy with what you have but always strive for more.

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Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Let's take a popular resolution-to lose weight. This is how your thoughts might go..."I am so fat! I have to lose weight! I have no discipline!" Stop. This kind of thinking will not help you change and it may set you up to fail. Your brain hears negative thoughts, and negative actions follow.

Start sending different messages to your brain and you will get different results. Here are some examples: When you say to yourself, "I am fat," tell yourself instead, "I am going to have a healthy body." When you hear yourself say, "I have no discipline," change it to, "I am capable of doing this." Change "I do not have any time to exercise," to "I have plenty of time to exercise. When you try to justify eating something unhealthy, stop, and say, "My body deserves healthy food." Instead of saying, "I hate exercise," say, "My body loves movement."

It does not matter if you believe what you are saying right away. You are changing self-destructive talk that has been going on for a long time. This is the talk that got you to an unhealthy place. Don't worry about how you will change your behavior. Once you start changing your thoughts, your brain will work on making these things come true. You say, "My body wants healthy food," and you will find yourself looking at totally different menu items. You say, "My body loves movement," and a few days later you get the idea of walking in the morning with a friend.

You are not lazy or undisciplined. You have just gotten in the habit of thinking in a certain way. Change your thoughts and enjoy the feelings of success that will follow. Make this fun. Make it a game. Give it a try. Observe yourself and see how often you find yourself speaking in a negative way. You may be surprised at how hard you are on yourself. After practicing this for a time, you will come up with many more positive things you can say to yourself. And positive thoughts will lead to positive changes.

You can change your actions by first changing your thoughts. It takes time, but it is worth it. Try it! This could be the best year you've ever had!


Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Top Ten Tips for Loving Yourself By: Laurie J. Brenner

Working with the law of attraction is an adventure to be sure. Instead of living life on autopilot and taking what comes, why not try a different tack and you will experience dramatic change in your life. A majority of the people alive today did not receive what was needed when they were growing up to help them develop an appreciative attitude in their adult years. If you employ appreciation in your life, for what is in your life, it will bring you whatever it is you are desiring and focusing upon - much quicker.

But because our caretakers lived what they had been taught, they passed on to us the limitations handed down to them. This has been going on from generation to generation. These limitations caused us to develop belief systems centered around ideas that we are not worthy of love, abundance, peace, happiness, joy, prosperity, loving relationships, meaningful work or whatever else seems to negatively dominate one's life.

Learning to love yourself is the basis for accepting anything good in your life. You can say all the affirmations you want, do the dances, and work through any of your blocks, but if you don't love yourself FIRST and foremost, the work you are doing will fall on sallow ground.

Learning to love you is the corner set stone and is the foundation for all inner work. It is the starting point for everything else. Once you love yourself, you learn to be gentle with yourself and understand that you are perfect in the eyes of the Universe just as you are which allows you to grow and receive more of the benefits the Universe holds in escrow for you.

Here are ten things you can do that sends the message of love to yourself:

1. Make a list of the ten things you like about yourself.

2. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend or a lover.

3. Wrap your arms around yourself (in private) and tell yourself out loud, "I love you."

4. Close your eyes, take deep breaths from your belly, get centered and then visualize yourself as a small child and hug this child close to you as you tell him or her how much they're loved and how very special they are.

5. Forgive yourself for all that you "perceive" you have done wrong.

6. Take yourself on a date. A movie, a drive, the museum, the mountains or to the beach, where ever you've want to go.

7. Buy yourself a gift, wrap it up, and put it away for a month and then "surprise yourself" with it.

8. Write yourself a love letter.

9. Do something that is nurturing and comforting to you. Give yourself permission.

10. Ask yourself what YOU can do to make yourself feel loved. Write out the question on a piece of paper with your dominant hand and answer with your non-dominant hand. This shifts you from left to right brain.

The bottom line is if you don't think you're worth loving, who from the outside of you can love you? You need to love yourself first before you can truly receive and enjoy the love from another human being.

Though you may be in a relationship already, loving yourself puts you in a place where you can more easily express love to another person as well as opening yourself up to the bounty of the universe. When you truly love yourself, you feel really, really good.

When you do not love yourself, you don't feel good. For the well-being and abundance of the universe to flow to you, you need to feel good about yourself first. The Beatles had it right, All You Need Is Love.

Don't hold back-give it to yourself. You are most certainly worth it-you're here aren't you?

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Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

6 key steps to Manifesting your Desires and Achieving all you Dream of By Julian Richards

Talk to most people about the power of manifesting desires and their eyes will just glace over. It will be apparent they are totally closed to the idea, particularly those in Western Cultures. The mere possibility that your unconscious mind can have the power to deliver real physical things, to them seems absurd. And yet even the science of quantum physics, is now accepting that "reality" is not quite what they originally thought. Thoughts are a form of energy, like other forces and can be directed in ways to have an influence of external surroundings when focused correctly. The 6 steps that need to be consistently followed to fully utilities your unconscious mind is briefly listed in this article.

1. Keep the end in focus.
Continually remind yourself of what achieving the desire will mean to you and your quality of life. Do not loose sight of this vision and repeatedly focus on it.

2. Expect your desire will come true.
Totally committing to the idea that your desire will be delivered, somehow, someway will propel you forward and make you committed to your outcome.

3. Imagine you have what you desire now.
Really visualise this. Your unconscious mind is a powerful tool and when it is dreaming doesn't know the difference between reality and projection, past of present. Utilise this, so that your mind and whole being is "persuaded" that it already has what it desires now. In effect you are confusing your mind to believe that you already have all you desire and are not lacking in anyway.

4. Exclude Negativity.
Focusing on the lack of something will only attract more of the something you lack. For example, if you wish to manifest a wider circle of friends then going to a party with the belief that you are inferior to others is not the best mindset to be in. You will only separate yourself from the crowd and make you hold back form any interactions, or shy away from getting involved in conversations.

5. Keep Focused.
You need to really, really focus on the desire you want to achieve. Keep continually reminding yourself of what it will mean to you once it is in your life. If you have visualised this powerfully enough, this will give you the "juice" or "fuel" to stick to your new belief system and the task ahead.

6. Let the Past Go.
Do not let your old fears, rejections and other obstacles hold you back. What has happened in the past has no bearing on the future so accept the responsibility of moving your life in the direction you wish and you will soon be manifesting your desires into reality.

Manifesting desires can be achieved following the above briefly outlined plan. Let yourself go to the universe and it will deliver everything you dream of. Good luck and dream big!


Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Ten strategies to Successfully transform your body by Mark Lindsay

1.Honestly "see yourself"!

Since we 'see ourselves' every day, we often do not notice if we are 'slipping'. If we are not careful, before long, the image we have of ourselves in our minds will not be in sync with reality. What I suggest you do is have someone take a photo of you in a pair of shorts or swimwear. You may find this embarrassing, but trust me, it is worth it. Now take other photos every month, and put them side by side in your bedroom, on your refrigerator door… someplace where you will see them frequently. This is help you honestly see yourself.

When you look at your photos, ask yourself if you are really satisfied with what you see and feel. How do you feel inside? How do you really feel about yourself? Are you confident, energetic, and proud? Or do you now honestly feel ever more insprited to follow through on your decision to change? What are the pros and cons of continuing on in the same direction you are going? Would you like to feel better about yourself and know you are creating a brighter future? Remember, right now you are the youngest you will ever be, and time waits for no one!

2.Set specific Goals!

You might be thinking: "I have heard about this goal setting mumbo jumbo before. It can't possibly work. If it were so easy, everyone would do it." Well listen, I really do not know what you might have heard before. But I do know this is powerful stuff. And if you find those echoes of skepticism creeping in and starting to chop away at these ideas already, you might want to take a minute and ask yourself where that is coming from. Change is about being open. It is about releasing old ideas to make room for new ones. It is about creating a better future for yourself. It is not about closing your mind. And it is certainly not about being cynical and negative. Setting goals is vitally important to your success. However, I have discovered many people are not clear about what goals are - they do not know the difference between goals and dreams. It is important to clarify this - dreams are things you hope for - things you enjoy thinking about but really do not know when or if they will happen. Goals, on the other hand, are specfic things you have decided you need to accomplish within a clearly defined period of time. For example, the statement 'Someday I am going to get in shape…" is a dream. However, if you declare that, "Within 12 weeks, I will lose 20 pounds of fat and gain 10 pound of muscle," you are setting a goal.

This is interesting: when you accomplish your goals, you are reqarded with a tremendous boost of positive energy, which allows you to set and achieve ever grander goals! So, once you get this process started by achieving your first goal, you will feel it, and you will allo f the suddent start to create many exciting dreams for your life. That creates optimism and hope, which both feel pretty darn good to me! When I am optimistic, I can't help but focus on the future. It is just so exciting, I can't wait to get there!

The bad news is, when you don't set and achieve specific goals, you can't create greater dreams, and when you stop dreaming, you don't have anything to look forward to, so you don't look forward, you look down or back… you lose hope.

Here is a tip on how to set goals: find an example - someone who has achieved what you want to accomplish with your body and/or life - and set your goals based on that. Find someone who was in your present condition, or thereabouts, and take a long look at what he or she was able to achieve. The fact that they have done it is proof you can too.

A simple, yet very powerful practice is to be sure that you write down your goals. It works! Here's proof: back in 1953, a Harvard University study showed that 3% of the students graduating that year actually wrote down their specific career goals. Twenty years later, a team of researchers interviewed the class of 1953, and found that the 3% who had written down their goals were worth more financially than the other 97% combined. (Make no mistake, writing down goals pays off, big time!)

3.Make a conscious decision to change!

Why do so many people, who say they want to change, remain the same, year after year? I will tell you why. It is because they overlook the essential first step - the step which begins to close the gap between knowing and doing. That step is… making a conscious decision to make a change. I am not talking about making ambiguous claims like, "Yeah… this year I'm gonna get in shape." Most people tell themselves this is one of their objectives every month. But how many people are truly moving in that direction? Unfortunately , very few.

And the reason? Because it is one thing to just talk about changing and it is a completely different thing to decide to actually do it. You see, when you make a conscious decision to make a change, your mind 'awakens' and starts searching for a way. You begin to develop a feeling - a deeply rooted need to make it happen. That sensation is what many people call 'desire'. Before you know it, you will crave that change all day and night - the desire becomes a 'burning desire'.

Fortunately, we all have desire. We may have buried it. But it is there. You have to let your desire propel you toward the goals you have decided to achieve. Do not let people, your surroundings, or circumstances convince you that you really do not have desire. When you decide you are not going to go on living the way you are living, when you decide the way things were last year is not the way there are going to be in this, you have taken the first step.

4.Find a reason!

"So I need to make a decision to do something here, to get off my butt and start moving. And keep moving. That is fine, but how do I do it?" Well, you just have to find a reason to change. I will say it again. Find a reason. It is one thing to tell yourself you would like to get fit this year. It is a whole 'nother matter to think of the most dreadful thing imaginable heppening if you do not get control of your body and your life, pronto! It is having a reason that fuels the intense desire and power (the inspiration, as I call it) for getting started and for following through. There is a world of difference between simply wanting something and having to have it.

Please made sure you clearly identify your reason for deciding to change, write it down, and read it every morning and night. Be particular. I know that you know deep down inside you have a reason, actually several reasons - good reasons - to decide to change.

5.Honor self-promises!

When you set goals, what you are really doing is making promises - not to me, your family, or your friends, but to yourself. The promises we make to ourselves, although they are the 'easiest' to break, are by far the most important ones to honor. You see, the very essence of confidence is self trust. Would you trust anyone who repeatedly lied to you? Someone who broke the rules of the game, again and again? Of course you would not? So, if you have developed a pattern of not honoring self promises, this is a great time to make a change. If you can't honor, trust, and depend on yourself, well that may be the root of a lot of the challenges in your life - a lot more than you realize.

The thing about lying to ourselves is we never, never get away with it. We may fool our conscious mind into ignoring or not admitting what we are doing, but deep down, in the place where all truth resides for each of us, in the place where we know and see ourselves as we really are - in that place, we are causing pain and damage every time we are not totally honest with ourselves. Lie to yourself often enough and your self trust - your confidence - will fade away. Into that emptiness will seep uncertainty, anxiety, and a whole lot of complex crapola you do not even want to know about.

But you can change that. It is a lot easier to keep the promises we make to ourselves than it is to break them. And keeping those promises unleashes enormous energy and potential - that potential emptiness created by self-deception can also be filled with strength, certainty, and yes confidence if you honor self-promises. (We have all heard the phrase, "The truth shall set you free." Well, nowhere is that more true than when we apply it to our relationship with ourselves.) Better yet" "To thine own self be true."

6.Face your fears!

Most people are afraid to change. They're afraid to face the uncertainty which we all feel when we leave our 'comfort zones.' Some afraid of failing, and others, believe it or not, are afraid of succeeding. What is sad is most people do not realize they have become paralyzed by their fears. Millions of people with great potential have been ruined and their entire lives wasted because they do not face their fears head on. You may recognize people who are afraid and hiding out in their comfort zones by their constant complaining about people who are moving forward. "See that guy over there? I'd have a great physique too if I worked out," (Well then, why don't you do it instead of just talking about it?) Rationalization and excuses have become the only form of "exercise" many people get.

Remember this: if you move away from your fears, they will eventually dominate your life. But if you move toward your fears and face them head on, they get smaller and smaller.

7.Focus on your future vision!

Unfortunately, most people will never delovep a strong future vision for their lives. They will never admit to themselves, or anyone else, what their dreams really are, and they won't put a deadline on those dreams and transform them into goals. Thus, most people will never even begin to harness their true potential. What they don't realize is if they are not focused on their futures - if they are not consciously creating their lives - ten they are living accidentally, not intentionally. They are merely reacting to life. When you have faith in your future vision, it creates resilience: when things do not go your way, you will be able to pick yourself up because your future vision will be stronger than your setbacks. Doing the particular things you need to do to move toward that future vision will become automatic, a habit. It is close to the certainty of religious faith - the comforting, assuring feeling that whatever happens will happen, but in the end, you will succeed.

It helps me to surround myself with photos and reminders which keep my future vision and goals on my mind. This is another simple yet powerful strategy.

Remember that everything we experience in the 'real world' is merely an external manifestation of what has already happened in your mind. That is where the relatively well known maxim, "If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it" comes from. And it is true. If your mind , you see, anything is possible. So nourish your mind with postivie uplifting images… it's worked wonders for me!

8.Make mistakes fast!

One of the things I have noticed is, people who try to get in shape or make another change, don't measure their progress often enough. This is not good. I call this "failing in slow motion." Some people do not notice what is not working until months or even years have been squandered. Then they look back and realize their error - they did not notice their mistakes sooner! If you want to succeed fast, you need to be willing to make mistakes fast. And you must learn from your mistakes.

Don't be one of those people who do exactly the same things in the coming months that did not work in the past and expect a different result. If you have not achieved the level of success you want, do not be so naïve as to think that if you make the same mistakes in the future as you did in the past, you will get a different result. If you want different results, you must allow yourself the opportunity to learn fast and take a different approach.

So, evaluate your progress at least once a month by measuring your bodyfar percentage and having a photo taken. Remember to celebrate your progress and also look for opportunities to do even better in the future. If you are not making progress, make a change, and keep changing until you start getting the results you want.

9.Take action!

Please, don't be afraid of change! Don't do what so many good people do, which is "accidently" smother their true potential by clinging to what "seems" comfortable. Success is created by action. People who get results keep moving, even if they are a little fearful! They do not quit. Sure, there are always some forms on inconvenience and stress in your life that seem like they might be obstacles that would keep you from taking action. Your challenge is to succeed in spite of all this! Don't wait until you feel "ready" to take on a new challenge. Don't fool yourself into believing now is just "too soon". If you wait until everything is "perfect" in your life before you take action, you will be waiting forever! The time to do it is now.

The longer you wait before you take action, the more you delay the rewards that are rightfully yours. "Waiting" to change is not enough. Do something - please do something!

10.Don't give up!

At times it might seem as if your goals are not attainable, in spite of your best efforts. That is normal - we all feel like that sometimes. In every challenge, there will come a time when the going gets tough! You have to break through these barriers! When you do, you will discover they were blessings in disguise. You see, we become stronger because of them! Remember that as long as you are trying, you have not failed! When it feels like you have given it your best and it is time to let go, just keep holding on. Keep pushing like your life depends on it - it just might. Prove to yourself and others that you are a winner (winners finish what they start)! Honor your self promise! Focus on your reason for deciding to make a change and please do not give up on yourself! No matter what! You deserve to succeed! And when you do, you will feel a powerful, peaceful sense of pride and joy which no one can ever take away!


Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

What Has Life Taught You?

I think it is time to step back and consider a few eternal home truths as we are going through this major transitional phase in our world. It is easy to lose sight of the essentials in life. We lose the ability to be happy and the trust that we can create the lives we want when we become immersed in our worries and live our suppressed fears. We are totally forgetting that fear and panic are just the other side of the same coin.

Duality is the means through which this universe manifests itself. It is the means that allows us to see the kaleidoscope of the world unfolding in all its limitless possibilities. I have said it before and I will say it again: The onslaught of negative news emanating from the media is not only unhelpful, feeding a roller coaster of panic but it also ignores the fundamental law of our existence: Duality.

Nothing is ever all negative. It just is impossible. If you only see the negative, you are being swayed along with the media mania and the collective consciousness that is in a trance unwittingly self induced through lack of self awareness and subsequent ignorance. Its like insisting that a coin only consists of the site with heads.

I recommend that you watch as little TV as possible. Stay away from the news and do not buy daily papers. If something important happens someone will tell you, believe me. Just following this simple advice will reduce your stress and anxiety levels considerably and help you focus within and concentrate on you and strengthen your mind set to become more resilient and independent from the collective consciousness. To help you with this here are a few things life has taught me that everyone should take to heart.

Life taught me that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

Life taught me that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

Life taught me that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.

Life taught me that there is always opportunity, if I am willing to see it

Life taught me that detaching from everything, and I mean everything, actually brings it closer to you

Life taught me that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life."

Life taught me that life sometimes gives you a second chance.

Life taught me that it is okay to say no to other people. If I am not okay I can't help anyone

Life taught me that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.

Life taught me that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.

Life taught me that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.

Life taught me that even when I am upset, I don't have to let my feelings out on other people.

Life taught me that every day you should reach out to someone. People love to be connected - and so do animals.

Life taught me that a small gesture often comes back to you ten fold. Its a universal law..

Life taught me that I still have a lot to learn and will learn until the day I die

Life taught me that everything I am searching for is already there, right inside me

Life taught me that nothing is good or bad, but only if I make it so

Life taught me that as a human being on this earth I am what I persistently do and think.

Life taught me that you should pass this on to someone you care about. I just did. Maybe you know someone who needs a little encouragement to carry on

And finally: Life taught me that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel...


Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Letting Go by Susie Health

When we are born, we know our own magnificence. There is no discord, bitterness or resentment. We are just little, whole and pure. The tiniest baby understands love, and expresses it through snuggling close to whoever is giving the love. As infants, we have twice as many brain connections as an adult, a vivid imagination, a creative mind and a sensitive personality. It takes years of training to change us from that open state to where we are now, years of training the happiness and spontaneity out of us. As newborns, we had only two fears - fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Now it seems we are afraid of almost everything. We make our lives so complicated and lose our intrinsic childlike sense of joy and wonder. How would it be if you can now let go of what you are not,

and just be who you really are?

Imagine how that would feel. Then you can have a wonderful open space in which to create your amazing new life. Like a magical spring-clean, it will give you much greater clarity, so you can focus on the wondrous things you really do desire. Open your mind and empty out the rubbish, all the ‘stuff’ that has accumulated over the years. Scrub it clean; yes, even the dusty murky corners. Clear away all the junk, all the lies you have been told about not being good enough, so you can reclaim who you really are and what you already know deep, deep within the recesses of your soul. We need to remove the barriers that block love from coming in, and from us expressing it.

So is this brainwashing? Oh yes, absolutely, in the truest sense of the word - washing out the brain. You can free it from all the negativity, conditioning and repetitive patterns of behaviour, worry and garbage that you have taken in throughout your life that keep you from being all that you can be as a real woman.

You’ve got an ego; we’ve all got an ego. We tend to think of our ego as the part of us that shows off, but our ego also has another side to it. Our ego hangs around with pain, guilt, fear, remorse and lots of ‘If only’s’ and ‘Yes but’s.’ It survives by the juice it gets from all these darker emotions – lots of complaining, comparing, blaming and wallowing in misery.

Although we may not choose the situations that happen to us, consciously or unconsciously we do choose our response to whatever situation we ?nd ourselves in.

Everything we do in life, whether positive or negative, has some sort of payoff. The good payoffs make us feel wanted, loved, appreciated, desired and cared for. The not so good ones mean we avoid taking responsibility for our own lives. We then get together with people who share the same pessimistic view as us which just reinforces

our negativity; we get sympathy, we apportion blame, we justify our misery, we have ready-made excuses as to why things don’t go according to plan and why we have got side-tracked from our life-purpose. If it wasn’t giving us some sort of pay-off, we wouldn’t do it! But it’s not who you really are!


Senin, 09 Maret 2009

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Happiness, Health, Riches and More

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. - Quote by, Marcus Garvey

Image all the things you want and dream about everyday. You can actually program your subconscious mind for the happiness, health, creativity, and riches that you deserve just by focusing on what it is you desire to happen.

What do you think about every day? Do you limit your thoughts with self-defeating beliefs and negative attitudes? Instead, entertain thoughts that are worthy of your natural birthright. Feed your mind continuous thoughts of wellness, enjoyment, prosperity, and accomplishment.

Start by daily reprogramming your Subconscious Mind to show you the behaviors that are necessary in expressing the ideal you. With a little practice you can develop any positive quality you wish. The more you practice positive behaviors, the more you become unique, confident, and enthusiastic.

Make a list of the qualities you now have that are positive and unique, and get rid of the ones that are negative and weaken your power to achieve what is best for you. In return, you influence others with your best self and attract the best in others to you. For example, some affirming thoughts for your mind to nurture may include:

1. I am thankful for what I now have. Gratitude brings its own reward.

2. I give cheerfully to others, not that I may receive; instead, know that giving is in direct proportion to building positive rewards for future success.

3. My enthusiasm is at a high level. Enthusiasm increases your self-confidence and self-reliance. Relying on others for your happiness diminishes your own self-worth.

4. I am willing to seek knowledge or help when I don't know the answer. Create a mental picture of what it is you wish to achieve and get the help you need to accomplish it.

5. My confidence to achieve is a definite purpose that keeps me growing. Having a definite purpose in life gives you something to strive toward.

6. I am rich according to what I am and not by what I have. Be thankful for what you have now and what is to come in the future.

7. Sharing information that helps others may change their life for the better. By giving to others, you earn respect, eliminate envy, and selflishness melts away.

8. I always give my best and expect nothing in return. Something good will return to me without asking.

9. I am consistently and persistently aware of my emotions, of my health and staying well, my behavior, and my beliefs, and my thoughts. That way, any negative thoughts can be removed immediately. Negativity repels instead of attracting.

10. My state of being and my individual choices in life are in harmony with what I wish to attract. You attract what you focus on most often.

11. Having a positive attitude shows in my earnings and my spending. I have no trouble paying my debts, and getting what I want. I put out positive energy so more prosperity can come my way.

12. I realize that wealth can be experienced when it is built on honesty and trust. Therefore, I will engage only in transactions that serve others with love, harmony, and a belief in them and in myself.

When you settle for lack and limit your thinking in any part of your life, you are depriving your very God given nature to not be all that you can be. Riches, health, happiness, and creativity is a mindset. When you focus your mind on these qualities of life, you create your own destiny.

Positive behaviors are effective, and life changing. Make your affirmations of happiness, wellness, achievement, and prosperity, now.


Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

As you may gather from the title, a premise of Think And Grow Rich is the starting place for wealth is in a person's thoughts.

The book contains fifteen chapters, the titles of which are shown below. As you can see, the first chapter contains a general introduction. Chapters 2 through 14 expound on the thirteen steps Hill developed for increasing wealth. The last chapter provides advice on recognizing symptoms of and combating the six basic fears Hill recognized.

Chapter 1: General Introduction
Chapter 2: Desire
Chapter 3: Faith
Chapter 4: Auto-Suggestion
Chapter 5: Specialized Knowledge
Chapter 6: Imagination
Chapter 7: Organized Planning
Chapter 8: Decision
Chapter 9: Persistence
Chapter 10: Power of the Master Mind
Chapter 11: The Mystery of Sex Transmution
Chapter 12: The Sub-Conscious Mind
Chapter 13: The Brain
Chapter 14: The Sixth Sense
Chapter 15: How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

The source for most of today's motivational speakers remains Think And Grow Rich. So why not go back to the source yourself? Be sure to include Think And Grow Rich on your reading list.

Download Think and Grow Rich


Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Do what Successful People Do, Eliminate Fear and Take Action! by Angie Sierra

Everything in your life happens for a reason, You didn't just so happen to click on this article and are now continuing to read each word. This is not a coincidence, its all apart of YOUR Journey. Maybe you're looking for answers or in need of encouraging words, maybe you're looking to change your present life, find balance and move forward. Whatever your reasons are, they've lead to this moment...

As you know, we don't live in a perfect world and things aren't always going to go as planned. Running into obstacles and always facing challenges are apart of our life's. The lessons we learn, the sacrifices we take, the emotional roller coaster we face and the negativity we live in, are there to help us Experience, Learn, and Evolve.

Some might ask, "Then how do I deal with it all, especially the stress, challenges and bad situations?" Its very simple. The answer: By Never Giving Up and Thinking Positive No Matter What. For example lets say you get hurt or were involved in some sort of accident and now your in the hospital. Its OK... Things aren't always what they seem. Maybe you needed to get some rest an take a break, maybe you were moving too fast and needed to slow down, maybe you were headed towards something worse and this had to happen to stop you from going any further. There's always a deeper meaning. You'll see & understand exactly why things happen but only after overcoming the emotional process.

Remember this: Your Greatest Learning Experiences always come from bad situations. let me repeat "Your Greatest Learning Experiences Always Come From Bad Situations".

Accept your problems and solve them as they come. Tell yourself your challenges are temporary and will pass. Ask "What is this experience trying to teach me" or "How can I grow from this problem?". This helps deal with the situation, finding ways to solve, accept and move forward...

You see you're a Powerful Person who can influence and attract more good then bad in your life by Feeding your Mind with Positive Thoughts no matter what. Overcoming your obstacles and gaining knowledge along the way is what its all about.

Take the First Breath To Your New Beginning!


Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

How 3 Motivational Quotes Can Greatly Improve Your Life by Michael Lee

Deep and meaningful quotes are very important in relation with our lives. These may just be mere words, yet they are created to inspire us to live our lives with significance and worth. Deep and meaningful quotes motivate us to outshine the trials and challenges that may hinder us from attaining success. Here are some of the most important ones to ponder on… Deep and Meaningful Quotes # 1: "It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's equally good to check once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy." -- George Claude Lorimer

Lorimer cited the importance of happiness for individuals who seem to have lost hope or are deeply engrossed with material possession or worldly success. Too many of us become too busy with our business or job, that we tend to ignore or take for granted the things that truly matter in life. Viewing the quote is a good way of being thankful for the persons and things that really make us live great lives.

Deep and Meaningful Quotes # 2: "You are as happy as you make up your mind to be." - Abraham Lincoln

The quote talks about real joy and radiating that feeling to the world. You have the choice to make your life better and happier right this very moment.

Some individuals tell themselves that they'll be happy when they get this or that. However, once they achieve their first dream, they're never fully contented and then move on to say that they'll be happy when they achieve the next best thing.

The bar always goes higher if you do not accept that you can be happy no matter what your current situation is.

Deep and Meaningful Quotes # 3: "The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live." -- Joan Borysenko

Borysenko stresses the importance of living life to the fullest. Not one of us knows when our time will come.

It implies how family, friendship, love, generosity and freedom matters. The goal is to leave a legacy even to just a few people, so you can truly say that your life was a blessing to others.

The above-mentioned deep and meaningful quotes are definitely worth reading and applying to your life. To some, reading those quotes may appeal as corny for they haven't really understood the true meaning of what these words convey. It may take some time for people to get accustomed to the lessons provided. The quotes can also serve as principles and guidelines when making major decisions. A lot of people would be very quick to choose one thing if they feel that it is the easiest and most convenient. Sometimes, quotes help us understand the value of delayed gratification, patience, honesty and other useful values. You should understand the proper application of these - depending on the situation - and make the critical move wisely. So seek to share these inspirational, deep and meaningful quotes to live by. You'll never know when you have given them hope, reason, and direction to live.
